User Fare Display
With FASTags and automatic toll deductions, we sometimes do not realize or gather how much money has been deducted. User fare display systems are your partner in that, it displays the amount deducted and encourages a transparent transaction between the driver and the toll plaza management.
Along with that, these displays are located near toll booths, and they provide real-time information to help drivers make informed decisions about their payment options as well.
User fare display features
- It shows you real-time payment updates for vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and buses
- User fare displays, at some places, also show a number of messages and alerts
- Other than FASTag, toll plazas offer multiple payment options, the user fare displays help drivers become aware of their payment options like cash, credit/debit cards, e-wallet payments, etc
- These displays may also offer different language options to help drivers who speak different languages or are traveling to different states

- Other than FASTag, toll plazas offer multiple payment options, the user fare displays help drivers become aware of their payment options like cash, credit/debit cards, e-wallet payments, etc
- These displays may also offer different language options to help drivers who speak different languages or are traveling to different states